Online Referencing & Tenancy

Welcome to our online referencing service (with option for tenancy agreement) which has been designed for self-managing landlords. It's really easy - just provide us with the email contact details of your tenant along with the property address and rental amount - we'll then do the work and provide a hassle-free service for you!

Referencing Tenancy Form_LL_Service

Online tenant referencing service (£20 per tenant inc VAT)

Use this form to provide us with some basic information about your tenant. When we receive this form we will contact your tenant for further details to complete the full referencing process. This form is designed to be used for 1 or 2 tenants at the same address. If you have multiple properties then please submit this form separately for each property you have. 

How many tenants need to be referenced (for the same rental address)?

Tenancy Agreement Option (£60 inc VAT)

If you require tenancy agreement then check the box below. This is a comprehensive service where we will oversee the signing of the tenancy document between all parties. We also provide all the prescribed information (eg, How To Rent Booklet, Deposit Registration info etc). It's not just a template that we send you. 

Do you require a Tenancy Agreement?

Landlord's Details

Please provide us with your details (or the landlord's details if you're applying on behalf of someone else).

Are you the landlord?

Property Details

Please provide us with the 1st line of the rental property address and the postcode. We need this for the credit check process. We also need the monthly rental that will be agreed in the terms of your tenancy agreement. 

Is the person named above (as the landlord) the legal owner of this property?

Tenant's Details

For the purposes of data protection, we only take the minimum details of your tenant. We will contact the tenant with the email address that you provide and get their full details. If you have 2 tenants, then tenant 1 will be the 'lead' tenant - this is usually the higher earner. There is no need to contact us with further information. 

Any other information

Please provide any other information or requests.

Agreement and payment

Please confirm below your consent and understanding of our terms and conditions

Apply Coupon
Price (inc VAT): £20.00
Price (inc VAT): £40.00
Price (inc VAT): £60.00
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