At Proudhouse, we love stats and data. We have our own data management system that we can customise and develop for our own needs. We don’t use an off-the-shelf system designed for letting agents – that’s stifling! Those systems mean that you operate the same way as everyone else. Our system is great – if we want to develop the business of add a new service for landlords then we can just create the systems to support it. It also means we can extract a lot of performance data. Here’s a snapshot below.
Are you thinking of transferring your property to a new agent and manager? We are an independent, established, professional, secure and growing business operating across the region. Use us for property management in 2020. We’re confident you will not be disappointed. 01935 388456
2019 has been a busy year. This is what we have done:
Collected and distributed £1.1 million of rent
Added 47 new properties to our portfolio
Started a maintenance business
Doubled our staff numbers
Created 7466 log records
Raised 701 work orders
62 tenancy check-ins
54 Tenancy check outs
89 Tenancies/renewals
Conducted 288 property inspections
110 HMO Visits/Inspections
Created 5282 property inventory items
Taken 19,472 property photographs.